The Antidote to “Just Friends”

New! How to have fun with “Just Friends” [read: EXIT the friendzone, and get back together…]


It’s time to find out how to cleverly test just how “just friends” your ex truly is, and have fun in the process, while building their-and-yours pride to boot (because that is what SAVES relationships…)

This how-to guide is packed with over 5,000 words of actionable advice that stops the “we’re just friends” madness once and for all.

Read it online, or download the PDF, just be sure you read it NOW.

More details to follow. But this is ready for those who are ready to get to work right this second —

Format: Read online, + PDF download available.

Price: $27.00

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Version 1.0 of the guide is now live. You will get all future updates for free (naturally.)